
ISE Design Suite command line


To use the Xilinx ISE Design Suite command line we need to open the CMD and run the settings64.bat or settings32.bat from the ISE directory in Windows, the default is C:\gXilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\.

This is automatically done by the ISE Design Suite 64 Bit Command Prompt installed when installing Xilinx ISE.

Using the TCL shell

ISE Design Suite for Windows can be used via de TCL shell, this environment is entered by the xtclsh from the command line.

Managing projects

Creating a project

% project new keypad
% ls
keypad.xise  keypad.gise

Configuring a project

We are now ready to configure the project. We begin by setting the device properties for our new project:

% project set family spartan3e

Before setting the device, let’s check out the old value to see what to expect as a return value when assigning a new device:

% project get device

Shows that the current device is an xc3s100e. Now, set the device:

% project set device xc3s500e

and ignore the (expected) return value. Next, set the package:

% project set package fg320

Finally we set the project preferred language:

% project set preferred-language VHDL

You can examine the project properties with the project properties subcommand.

Managing a project

To manage files in a project, we need to use the xfile tool.

To add files to a project:

% xfile add Decoder.vhd
INFO:HDLCompiler:1061 - Parsing VHDL file
   oder.vhd" into library work
INFO:ProjectMgmt - Parsing design hierarchy completed successfully.

To remove files from a project:

% xfile remove Decoder.vhd

Implementing a design

Design implementations can be runned with the command `process run β€œ{Process name}”. Next there is a list of the most used processes: